hari ini tepat KPU mengumumkan hasil rekapitulasi perhitungan nasional, entah siapa nantinya yang menjadi presiden, harapan saya beliau dapat menjadi pemimpin yang baik dan amanah..:)
oke, out of topic..
disini saya nge-share hasil kerja keras saya dalam pembuatan perangkat mengajar Bahasa Inggris khususnya dalam skill listening.
banyak teman teman yang masih bingung dalam pengajaran listening itu apa dulu yang harus diajarkan sebelum murid bisa benar benar siap untuk mendengarkan audio dan menjawab pertanyaaan.
tekadang siswa bingung karena di awal mereka tidak dibekali pengetahuan atau kata kunci yang bisa membantgu mereka dalam memahami teks yang diperdengarkan, maka dari itu banyak siswa yang mengeluh jika skill llistening itu sangat sulit dan membuat mereka malas menghadapi soal soal di skill listening.
sebagai seorang guru, akan lebih baik jika di awal sebellum siswa diminta untuk mengerjakan soal listening, mereka diberi "bekal" yang cukup yang nantinya akan memudahkan siswa memahami audio yang diperdengarkan dan akhirnya bisa menjawab soal yang berhubungan dengan audio itu, serta tidak memnganggap listening sebagai momok yang perlu ditakuti..
disini saya mencoba untuk menunjukkan salah satu hasil bimbingan dosen saya dalam pengajaran istening. kita dapat menggunakan lagu (song) dalam pengajaran listening bahasa inggris, tentunya dengan pemilihan lagu yang tepat sesuai dengan kebutuhan, keadaan dan tujuan pengajarannya.
ini dia contoh pembuatan student worksheet yang mudah muhdahan dapat membantu para guru dalam mengajarkan skill listening dengan lebih mudah.
A. Songs
By: Maywood
Mother, how are you today
Here’s a note from your daughter
With me everything is okay
Mother, how are you today
Mother, don’t worry I’m fine
Promise to see you this summer
This time there’ll be no delay
Mother, how are you today
I’ve found the man of my dream
Next time you will get to know him
Many things happened while I was away
Mother, how are you today
This song tells us about a daughter who stay far away from her mother and she missed her so much. She wrote a note for her mother, asking her condition. She told that is fine over there, although she away from her mother. She promises that she will come to meet her at summer. She will come with someone who in her dream. When she meets her mother, she will tell her many things during she was away from her.
B. 1. Basic Competence:
3.11 Mention the social function and language feature in the simple song.
4.16 Understanding the meaning of the simple song.
2. Indicators:
a. 1. Match the meaning words.
2. Pronounce the words after the teacher.
b. answer the questions based on the audio.
3. Teaching objectives:
3.33.1. Students are able to match the meaning of the words by look at
dictionary correctly.
3.33.2. Students are able to pronounce the words after the teacher giving
models fluently.
4.16.1 Students are able to answer the questions based on the audio
4. Students Worksheet
Task 1: Observe the picture. (pictures about mother and children or pictures related with mother)
1. What is the picture about?
2. Have you ever do it?
3. What is your feeling?
4. How do you feel to your mother?
Task 2: Match the meaning of the words below.
1. Promise a. not does something until a later time.
2. Note b. takes place, do or be something by chance.
3. Delay c. statement telling that you will definitely do or not
do something.
4. Happened d. to or at a distance from something.
5. Away e. short piece of writing to help you remember
Task 3: pronounce the words after your teacher.
1. Note : /nəʊt/
2. Summer : /’sʌmə(r)/
3. Delay : /dɪ’leɪ/
4. Found : /faʊnd/
5. Away : /ə’weɪ/
Task 4: Listen the songs carefully then answer the question.
1. What is the daughter sent to her mother?
2. What did she say to her mother?
3. What is her promise?
4. Is she will fulfill her promise? How do you know?
5. Who is she have found?
6. What is the social function of the songs?
7. What is the moral value of this songs?
5. Steps of teaching
· Greeting.
· Appreciation and motivation
· Show the teaching objective.
Main activity :
hari ini tepat KPU mengumumkan hasil rekapitulasi perhitungan nasional, entah siapa nantinya yang menjadi presiden, harapan saya beliau dapat menjadi pemimpin yang baik dan amanah..:)
oke, out of topic..
disini saya nge-share hasil kerja keras saya dalam pembuatan perangkat mengajar Bahasa Inggris khususnya dalam skill listening.
banyak teman teman yang masih bingung dalam pengajaran listening itu apa dulu yang harus diajarkan sebelum murid bisa benar benar siap untuk mendengarkan audio dan menjawab pertanyaaan.
tekadang siswa bingung karena di awal mereka tidak dibekali pengetahuan atau kata kunci yang bisa membantgu mereka dalam memahami teks yang diperdengarkan, maka dari itu banyak siswa yang mengeluh jika skill llistening itu sangat sulit dan membuat mereka malas menghadapi soal soal di skill listening.
sebagai seorang guru, akan lebih baik jika di awal sebellum siswa diminta untuk mengerjakan soal listening, mereka diberi "bekal" yang cukup yang nantinya akan memudahkan siswa memahami audio yang diperdengarkan dan akhirnya bisa menjawab soal yang berhubungan dengan audio itu, serta tidak memnganggap listening sebagai momok yang perlu ditakuti..
disini saya mencoba untuk menunjukkan salah satu hasil bimbingan dosen saya dalam pengajaran istening. kita dapat menggunakan lagu (song) dalam pengajaran listening bahasa inggris, tentunya dengan pemilihan lagu yang tepat sesuai dengan kebutuhan, keadaan dan tujuan pengajarannya.
ini dia contoh pembuatan student worksheet yang mudah muhdahan dapat membantu para guru dalam mengajarkan skill listening dengan lebih mudah.
A. Songs
By: Maywood
Mother, how are you today
Here’s a note from your daughter
With me everything is okay
Mother, how are you today
Mother, don’t worry I’m fine
Promise to see you this summer
This time there’ll be no delay
Mother, how are you today
I’ve found the man of my dream
Next time you will get to know him
Many things happened while I was away
Mother, how are you today
This song tells us about a daughter who stay far away from her mother and she missed her so much. She wrote a note for her mother, asking her condition. She told that is fine over there, although she away from her mother. She promises that she will come to meet her at summer. She will come with someone who in her dream. When she meets her mother, she will tell her many things during she was away from her.
B. 1. Basic Competence:
3.11 Mention the social function and language feature in the simple song.
4.16 Understanding the meaning of the simple song.
2. Indicators:
a. 1. Match the meaning words.
2. Pronounce the words after the teacher.
b. answer the questions based on the audio.
3. Teaching objectives:
3.33.1. Students are able to match the meaning of the words by look at
dictionary correctly.
3.33.2. Students are able to pronounce the words after the teacher giving
models fluently.
4.16.1 Students are able to answer the questions based on the audio
4. Students Worksheet
Task 1: Observe the picture. (pictures about mother and children or pictures related with mother)
1. What is the picture about?
2. Have you ever do it?
3. What is your feeling?
4. How do you feel to your mother?
Task 2: Match the meaning of the words below.
1. Promise a. not does something until a later time.
2. Note b. takes place, do or be something by chance.
3. Delay c. statement telling that you will definitely do or not
do something.
4. Happened d. to or at a distance from something.
5. Away e. short piece of writing to help you remember
Task 3: pronounce the words after your teacher.
1. Note : /nəʊt/
2. Summer : /’sʌmə(r)/
3. Delay : /dɪ’leɪ/
4. Found : /faʊnd/
5. Away : /ə’weɪ/
Task 4: Listen the songs carefully then answer the question.
1. What is the daughter sent to her mother?
2. What did she say to her mother?
3. What is her promise?
4. Is she will fulfill her promise? How do you know?
5. Who is she have found?
6. What is the social function of the songs?
7. What is the moral value of this songs?
5. Steps of teaching
· Greeting.
· Appreciation and motivation
· Show the teaching objective.
Main activity :
1. Listening
· Give the pictures.
· Give the words with jumble meaning.
· Give model to pronounce the words
· Play the audio
· Reflection
· Give an individual homework.
· Leave taking
1. Listening
· Give the pictures.
· Give the words with jumble meaning.
· Give model to pronounce the words
· Play the audio
· Reflection
· Give an individual homework.
· Leave taking
· Answer the greeting
· Responses the motivation from the teacher.
· Listening the teaching objective which explained by the teacher.
Main activity :
1. Listening
· Students are observing the pictures.
· Students are matching the words with the meaning.
· Students are pronouncing the words after the teacher.
· Students are answering the questions based on the audio.
· Reflection
· Pay attention for the information from the teacher.
· Leave taking
demikian contoh singkat dari saya tentang pengajaran llistening using songs..
semoga bermanfaat..:)
· Answer the greeting
· Responses the motivation from the teacher.
· Listening the teaching objective which explained by the teacher.
Main activity :
1. Listening
· Students are observing the pictures.
· Students are matching the words with the meaning.
· Students are pronouncing the words after the teacher.
· Students are answering the questions based on the audio.
· Reflection
· Pay attention for the information from the teacher.
· Leave taking
demikian contoh singkat dari saya tentang pengajaran llistening using songs..
semoga bermanfaat..:)
Pertanyaannya aneh.
BalasHapusWhat is the daughter sent ?
BalasHapusIs she will fulfil?
Who is she have found?